What if Alpha was just a state of mind?
And it had nothing to do with societal or ‘pack’ hierarchy or structures.
What if it was LITERALLY a state of mind. A state of being…
That had nothing to do with how big, powerful, wealthy, sexy you are.
Although embodying this state.
Means that you EXUDE a sense of bigness, of power, of wealth, of sexual magnetism and attraction.
What if it was a frequency?
Not just a woo-woo ‘frequency’.
But something you are able to measure.
That has its roots in science.
8-12Hz to be exact.
I love seeing patterns.
I find it so interesting when things show up with different, although similar links.
Alpha and Beta Brain Waves.
Beta - 12.5 to 30Hz. Which in it’s highest frequencies can be irratic, ungrounded, very alert, and maniac. Looking and alert for danger.
Alpha - 8-12Hz. Which is a state of mental relaxedness and calmness. Connected, centred and confident. Receptive and also present.
Interesting pattern isn’t it.
That a lot of the characteristics that we associate with being Alpha or Beta in a tribal, pack structure. Are mirrored in their corresponding brain states.
So what if being the Alpha in your life had nothing to do with you are and what you do and what you have?
And had everything to do with who and how you are being?