I hunger for you.

I crave you.

I want you.

I want all of you.

I want to open you to love.

I want you to feel my strength.

I want you to feel my love.

I want you to feel my choosing.

I want you to feel my penetration.

I want you to yearn for more.

I want to drive you wild.

I want to take you to your edge.

I want to open you to you.

I want you to taste rapture.

I want to open you to God.

We, as men, have most forgotten our gift of Ravishment.

So many of us have repressed our desires… or play them out through endless, meaningless hook ups or through p*rn.

We have forgotten the gift that we give through our sxx.

It isn't just about getting off.

It isn't all about the orgasm… yours or hers.

It is about both of you. And who you become together.

We have the power to strip a woman of her concerns. Her limitations.
And anything that restricts her from experiencing the full force of love.

And through stepping into this energy we do the same for ourselves.


You are here to love.

You are here to lead.

You are here to penetrate your woman and the world. With love, calibration and masculine receptivity.

You have the potential to be your woman's greatest gift. A gift from God… just for her.

Not just because you are 'great' in bed… but because you open her and lead you both into a new way of living and relating.

To be able to Ravish a woman… we, as men, must be intimately in touch with ourselves.

Our emotions.

Our strength.

Our intensity.

Our desire.

Does it require personal growth and emotional courage?


Is it worth it…

Words couldn’t possibly describe…