And the little known underlying dynamic that is stopping men from fully stepping into their King.
We have seen the archetype of the King become popularised in recent times. Through men’s work and Robert Moore’s work with King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.
But there is an unnamed aspect of the King that must be explored for the highest evolution of this energy to come forward.
Imagine a King for a moment.
What qualities do you associate with him?
Is it…
Regalness and Nobility.
Unshakable certainty.
Providing for his Kingdom
Protecting his people.
Decisive action and leadership.
But what about being an authority? Being the HIGHEST authority of his Kingdom.
Whose word is Law, beyond any question.
For good or for ill, regardless of the inherent morality or ethics of his decision.
Strong energy huh!?
No wonder the King energy has been repressed within the psyche of many men.
Throughout history we have seen countless examples of this energy and power being misplaced and misused… and today we see this manifest in the charge around the word ‘patriarchy’ for many people, particularly women.
But what does this mean for the modern day man?
Who wasn’t actually the archetypal King that abused his power.
But instead seeks to simply empower and awaken himself fully - to serve himself, his family and his community.
Well in recent times in the Western world, the social structure of Democracy has risen.
The energy of the Kings and Queens have been declining.
And the energy of a leader whose word is law; has become synonymous with being a Dictator.
And not the benevolent Dictator of times past, leading for the good of the people…. But the power hungry Dictator, tyrannical, harsh, cold, disconnected and un-receptive.
And this is the cross over.
For a man to truly step into his embodied King energy and embrace his power as a leader...
To lead himself, his family, and his own business, career, purpose and mission...
It is important for him to explore the energy of the Dictator and authority within himself.
And how it is manifesting, in his life - in both healthy and unhealthy ways and to explore where it is under-active and over-active.
Because the unfortunate truth is that what remains in the shadow… will come to rule us.
As Carl Jung describes - “That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate.”
It is time to reclaim the energy of the King.
It is time for us to reclaim our healthy relationship with authority both within and without.
Because the truth is… that authority is not inherently evil.
In its highest frequency - it is here to set us free. To enable us to be...
The Masters of our Fate.
The Captains of our Souls.
To complete… I want to share with you the thoughts of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
They theorised the ultimate leader and social structure would be led by Philosopher King -
The wise King, leading for the good of all.
It is time for all of us to awaken the Philosopher King inside of us.
We are all needed in our sovereignty, authority and wisdom.
It is time.