Masculine Sensitivity and Receptivity.

Is not what we think it is.

It is vastly different from the feminine sensitivity and receptivity most boys are conditioned with.

Nor am I talking about emotional sensitivity or receptivity.

It is a type of sensitivity and receptivity that is vital for healthy assertiveness, aggression and also penetration.

Not just in life, relationships and in bedroom, but in all areas of life.

I am talking about an ability to FEEL.

That goes beyond the ability to feel emotions.

Just as an expert hunter feels the forest around him.

And can feel where his prey is.

He can feel when to wait and when to attack.

A man that is blind to this type of feeling is blind to the world.

And will be unable to ever reach his fullest potential.

It requires a deep connection with self, and a deep connection with nature.

And an ability to be completely present.

Not blocking, repressing or avoiding anything… including the aspects within him.

A man is only able to truly connect and embody his power in the world, if he has the ability to feel.

Many men are lost because we have been taught the feminine model of sensitivity.

Many men are either lost in their emotions and are directionless.
Or are cold, rigid, hard and lifeless, ever driving forward, into a perpetual grey-ness.

We have not been taught to be powerful, embodied men, connected to our feeling.

This is why many men are unable to fully connect with their women and families.

This is why many men have trouble asserting themselves.

And why many men have difficult in penetrating life and his woman with calibration.
Not too hard… not too soft… but jussstttt right.

Many men push back on the notion of receptivity, sensitivity and feeling, as I once did… and rightly so.
Because they inherently know that the model of feeling men are given today, is not right for them.
It is in fact the feminine model.

It has been given to them in a world that largely tries to make little boys into little girls…
That tries to tame the wildness out of boys from their first breath.

A world that largely believes that boys and girls are the same.

We are not.

We have a different path to become integrated adults.

It is time for change in masculinity.

This is not a post condemning men or women.

This is a post pointing out a misconception around men, receptivity, sensitivity and connection to feeling.

It is time for a new path forward.

It is time for a revolution of men.

…Are you interested in reading more posts around building masculine receptivity and sensitivity?

Let me know below.