It is time for a Rebirth of Masculinity.

The truth is that we are a long way from healthy expression of masculinity.

To reach this, it will involve a death and letting go of aspects of masculinity that no longer serve us.

And importantly the crumbling of the conditioning that both men and women receive around masculinity and its perceived toxicity and inferiority.

You don’t have to look far to see examples of this… basically every series on Netflix or Disney features attempted degradation and disrespect towards men.

It is time for a new breed of masculinity.

An aware & conscious masculinity.

That has re-owned and re-integrated the aspects of masculine power, strength, direction, competition and penetration.

These aspects have been lost as our men have been brought up like women.

We have all been told a lie.

A lie of toxic masculinity.

A lie of the bumbling, incompetent father.

A lie that the effeminacy in men is desirable, even admirable.

Our western society has drunk the cool-aid.

And we are all paying the price.

Because the truth is that every healthy society needs masculine men to survive.

History has spoken irrefutably on this.

Now, this is not a post of resignation and hopelessness.

This is a post of empowerment.

It is time for THE Rebirth of Masculinity.