"I don't have, or show emotions..."

"I don't have, or show emotions..."

“I don’t have, or show emotions... That’s why I am a man’s man."

I was dumb founded.

And what was even more shocking to me was the conviction and pride in which this man spoke.

As if this is the #1 trait of a man, and specifically a man’s man - “a man noted or admired for traditionally masculine interests and activities."


Now before I go on…

This is not a post about emotions. (Although one point I want to make here… is that being disconnected and numb to our emotions is just as weak as being ruled by them.)

This is also a post about strength, weakness and the lies we tell ourselves.


Many men today are lying to themselves, are stuck in self delusion and are perpetuating their own weaknesses.

They are robbing themselves, families and society of their potential greatness.

Because using this man, who will remain nameless, as an example -
He sees himself on being a role model for other men, as a protection mechanism.
Because as brutal as this sounds... he is not looked up to be other men.

The truth is that he is...

Most likely suppressing and repressing his emotions, that he is actually terrified of.
Heavily overweight and is obviously not of good health.

Not the leader of his family, and is directed in life by his wife who plays the role of his surrogate mother.

Of low integrity. Having bragged about manipulating his clients into purchasing something that wasn’t in their best interests.

But believing himself to be a 'man's man' keeps him feeling safe and secure... but as less desirable by-product, keeps him stuck and unable to grow and develop as a man.


It is time to tell the TRUTH.

The hard truths. About everything,. Especially the ones we want to hide from.
About our relationships, health, our emotions, direction, careers and business.

First to ourselves.

And then to others.

Because weakness only lives in the darkness of lies and avoidance.

And we all have ways in which we can become healthier, stronger, more productive and fulfilled men.

I believe in telling the truth, we can heal our weaknesses, strengthen ourselves and step into the men we are born to be.

The men that our families, communities and societies need.

It is time to tell the truth.