The lie that is destroying relationships.
The narrative that a man must put his mission or purpose first… is growing in momentum.
And in truth it is dysfunctional.
But it is becoming seen as a higher truth.
…The destination for good, healthy men.
But it is a lie.
For some men the transition to being solely purpose focused is HIGHLY resourceful.
But this is only for men that are stuck in codependence.
Once independence and sovereignty have been reintegrated, it is time for those men to come back into deep intimate relationships with women.
To find a mature way of balancing their own personal mission with the mission and purpose of their relationship.
And to value both simultaneously.
Because in Truth… when both are valued and are in alignment… there is synergy. There is momentum.
There is a compounding effect.
Our mission and purpose supports and harmonises our romantic relationship and family life.
As our romantic relationship strengthens our mission.
It is so easy to get stuck in an ‘EITHER, OR’ mindset.
EITHER I will be solely focused on my purpose. OR I will be solely focused on my relationship.
…But it is time for us to evolve past this consciousness as men.
We are able to have both…
Both are needed for our long term happiness and fulfilment.
And both are needed for a healthy and cohesive society.
It is easy to forget that the state of our romantic relationships, the relationships between men and women, dictates the health and function of society.
The family unit is the foundation of our entire society, and its health or disease has long term, generational implications.
Our future generations need our men to value both their mission and purpose AND their romantic relationship and family life.